Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning Keywords

UPRIGHT: Achievement, Victory, Success, Public Recognition

REVERSED: Failure, delay in Success, lack of support

  • Element: Fire
  • Kabbalistic Sefirot: Tiphareth
  • Meaning of the Kabbalistic Sefirot: Beauty
  • Astrological Influence: Jupiter in Leo
  • Yes/No key interpretations: Yes
  • Stones: Topaz, Yellow Diamond

The six of wands is card number 6 in the suit of wands of minor Arcana. The suit of wands is fiery, energetic, determined, strong, and ambitious in characteristics. The number 6 is the number of harmony and balance. In major Arcana ‘the Lovers’ is the card number 6. The disruption that occurred at number 5 now again starts getting balanced at number 6.

Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Imagery of the Six of Wands Tarot Card

A man is riding a white horse and there is a crowd in the background. The man looks like a man of authority as he is wearing a laurel crown on his head that is a symbol of victory; his maroon robe symbolizes his confidence. He is holding a staff in his hand that has a laurel wreath at the top. The staff is a sign of authority whereas the laurel wreath is crowning insignia of warriors and people of high rank. His white horse is a symbol of strength, purity, and a connection with intuition. The crowd in the background, probably foot soldiers with staves in their hands, signifies social recognition. The blue sky is a symbol of wisdom and the olive green cover over the horse shows harmony as well as diplomacy. Overall this is a happy and positive card that signifies progress, achievement, victory, success, and social recognition.

Astrology and the Six of Wands

In the wheel of the year, the six of wands corresponds to the second decan of Leo, in which Jupiter is in Leo. Leo is ruled by the sun and Jupiter is the planet of growth, expansion, healing, and prosperity. The golden dawn designer called Jupiter in Leo the ‘Lord of Victory’. Jupiter in Leo attracts good fortune, charisma, and confidence. This combination brings success and happy relationships.

Six of Wands and Kabbalah

All the sixes and the knights belong to the Sefirot of Tiphareth on the tree of life, which means beauty and harmony. Tiphareth is the center of the tree of life, The powers of all sefirot flow into it and create a balance. This sefirah is ruled by the sun. The six of wands belongs to Tiphareth in Atziluth (the world of pure spirit). In the Waite Smith deck, the card shows victory after strife.

Six of Wands Tarot Card as a Person

Sic of wands signifies someone who is confident, a hard worker, and an achiever. It represents someone who has acquired public recognition as a result of their hard work. People who keep others along with them. Someone who needs a little support to acquire a high rank. A person who is loved by others and keeps happy relationships. Who has a good reputation at their workplace, keep friendly relations with others, and gain support for their achievements.

Six of Wands Card in General Reading

This is a happy card of victory and success. If this card appears in a general reading, it signifies that you’ll have success in achieving your goals. You will make progress and your hard work and passion will be rewarded with victory, triumph, and success. You will be a crowd-pleaser and get love and respect from the people around you. Your time to shine is there as you have learned to harness your strengths. You have a purity of purpose, confidence to reach your goals, passion, and favorable circumstances. Nothing can stop you from attaining your objectives.

Six of Wands Tarot Card in a Daily reading

This is a positive card to get in daily reading. If you get this card, believe in yourself, and stay confident. You will get acknowledgment for your efforts today and supporters and well-wishers will be there to cheer for you. You should have high self-esteem, strength, and confidence as today will be your day.

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