Ace of Wands Tarot Card Meaning Keywords
UPRIGHT: Inspiration, desire, passion, new drive, a new initiative
REVERSED: Lack of direction, lack of motivation
- Element: Fire
- Kabbalistic Sefirot: Kether
- Meaning of the Kabbalistic Sefirot: Crown
- Astrological Influence: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
- Yes/No key interpretations: Yes
- Stone: Diamond
Ace of wands is the first card in the fiery suit of wands. One is the number of focus, beginning, and inspiration. The element of the suit of wands is Fire.

The Imagery of the Ace of Wands Tarot Card
A hand holding a wand is emerging from grey clouds. Clouds generally represent stability and inner consciousness and grey clouds represent transitions. The right hand is generally the giving hand and the Divine is also symbolized by showing a hand. The white rays of light emerging from the hand represent hope and positivity. The budding leaves are a sign of growth and rebirth. The wand itself is a symbol of ambition, passion, and inspiration. This also somehow looks like a phallic symbol.
There is a castle in the background that symbolizes structure, security, protection, and power. The blue river shows freedom and the flow of life and the greenery symbolizes growth. The mound shows a goal and it also represents high attainment.
Astrology and the Ace of Wands
In Astrology, the Ace of wands symbolizes all the fiery signs which are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire symbolizes energy, passion, action, authority, creativity, forward motion, illuminations, and enlightenment. Fire is a powerful symbol both in tarot and astrology and it has a special significance in many religions. In Hinduism, the goddess Agni is the goddess of fire and in the Zoroastrian religion, that fire is a pure element. Fire is a very powerful and pure element. It is used for construction and also for destruction.
Ace of Wands and Kabbalah
All the four Aces of the Tarot are attributed to the Sefirot of Kether (The Crown). The Ace of Wands belongs to the Kether in Atziluth. Atziluth is the world of creation and it is at the level of pure spirit.
Ace of Wands as a Person
Ace of Wands as a Person would be someone who is ambitious and strong-willed. They have this fiery passion to pursue their dreams and they do not shun taking action after receiving motivation. These people are full of new and brilliant ideas and they execute those too with passion. These powerful people just take start from scratch and go strong.
Ace of Wands Card in General Reading
In a general reading, the Ace of Wands represents a new spark, a new idea, a new possibility, a business plan, a job offer, or any other start of something driven by passion and desire. It shows that something has started with great enthusiasm. You have got a new idea that has motivated and forced you to get into action. Aces are actually the starts of the energy of that suit and the Ace of Wand is that much-needed spark that initiates fire.
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