Four of Wands Tarot Card Meaning Keywords

UPRIGHT: Cebration, Wedding, Stability

REVERSED:  Problem within family. Cancelled celebration, disharmony

  • Element: Fire
  • Kabbalistic Sefirot: Chesed
  • Meaning of the Kabbalistic Sefirot: Mercy
  • Astrological Influence: Venus in Aries
  • Yes/No key interpretations: Yes
  • Stones: Amethyst, Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli

Four of Wands is the fourth card in the fiery suit of wands. Number 4 depicts stability, structure, strength, and foundation. The fiery passion that started from the ace of wands has now taken the shape of a perfected work. It is stable and secure.

Four of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Imagery of the Four of Wands Tarot Card

The image shows 4 firmly erected staves (wands) in the ground that are covered with a garland of flowers, fruits, and grapes. The wands form a square on the ground. Both number 4 and the square are symbols of strength, stability, structure, and a solid foundation. The garland is a symbol of purity, peace, and social recognition while the grapes depict fertility. The garland forms the shape of an arch which is a passageway. There is a castle ahead that depicts grandeur, structure, and solidity. One moves to a more secure future through this passageway. There is a moat in the background with a bridge over it. Moat is a symbol of barrier and defense and a bridge connects two things and also takes you to another side. So here the bridge symbolizes union and also transition. The background of this card is a bright yellow that signifies clarity, energy, and optimism. There is a crowd gathered in the background that depicts some kind of celebration. Two women in robes are holding bouquets of flowers in their hands. The robes show social standing while the flowers symbolize happiness and beauty. This is overall a happy and vibrant card of joy and celebration.

Astrology and the Four of Wands

Two of Wands is attributed to the third decan of the fiery sign of Aries where the planet Venus is in Aries. The third decan of Aries starts from 11th April and lasts till 20th April. Venus is the sign of love, sensuality, luxury, art, beauty, and dance. This corresponds to the Empress card in Tarot and when it meets the fiery qualities of the Emperor. Emperor that is ruled by Aries, the union develops a perfect harmony, a balance, and perfection. The golden dawn designers called this card “Lord of Perfected Work”. This card is a perfect depiction of the harmony between masculine and feminine.

Four of Wands and Kabbalah

The Four of Wands belongs to the Sefirot of Chesed (Mercy) in Atziluth. Atziluth is the world of creation and it is at the level of pure spirit. All the 4’s of minor belong to this Sefirot. This sefirah is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth, prosperity, and good fortune. Wands belong to the world of Atziluth which is the world of emanation.

Four of Wands as a Person

The Four of Wands tarot card represents such people who are strong and passionate. We have acquired certain stability and structure through their hard work. They hold a good position in society. They are happy and positive and love beauty. They keep their surroundings decorated and beautiful. They have balanced masculine and feminine energies that make their personalities perfectly charming.

Four of Wands Card in General Reading

The Four of Wands Tarot Card is a card of positivity and happiness. Just the first glance at this card fills your heart with an optimistic note. If this card appears in a general reading, it might indicate a wedding, a celebration, an event filled with happiness, security, and the structure of a home and a family. This card shows the transition to a more stable and secures state from an already fine position. This is a happy card so there is nothing to worry about when this card appears in a general reading.

Four of Wands Tarot Card in a Daily reading

When this card appears in a daily reading, it means that this is a day to celebrate and rejoice. You have acquired a certain status with your hard work so mingle with people and enjoy this hard-earned effort. You have stability and beauty around you so relax and enjoy and celebrate this day to the fullest.

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