Three of Wands Tarot Card Meaning Keywords
UPRIGHT: Finding direction, expansion, growth, travel
REVERSED: Lost direction, delays, lack of growth
- Element: Fire
- Kabbalistic Sefirot: Binah
- Meaning of the Kabbalistic Sefirot: Understanding
- Astrological Influence: Sun in Aries
- Yes/No key interpretations: Yes
- Stone: Star Sapphire, Pearl
‘Three of wands’ is the third card in the suit of wands. Number three is the number of creativity, harmony, compassion, and exploration, and the fiery suit of wands is about energy, passion, power, ideas, and illumination. This is the third stage of the passion that emerged from the Ace of wands. Now the fiery energy is executed and established.

The Imagery of the Three of Wands Tarot Card
A man is standing on the edge of a cliff and looking at the boats and the mountains. He is standing in a higher position, above the rest of the things. This means that he has risen from the ordinary. The sky around him is orange in color. It represents the time of dusk. His red dress shows his passion and energy and the green color in his dress symbolizes growth and freshness. The day is coming to an end. This shows that work for today is done. Three wands are planted firmly in the ground. These wands represent the work that is done, an established position, and also the support he is now receiving from his creative passion. If we look at the wands, these wands form a triangle. A triangle is a symbol of structure and security. The orange sea represents vitality and enthusiasm and the far-off mountains symbolize the goals. There are many boats sailing in the sea. The boats represent freedom, progression, travel, and movement. Things are not stagnant, they are moving and changing.
Astrology and the Three of Wands
The decan of the ‘Three of Wands’ is ruled by Sun in Aries. The golden dawn designers called it the ‘Lord of Established Strength’. Sun is the masculine symbol of power, vitality, energy, and stamina and Aries is a sign of adventure, courage, enthusiasm, and confidence. Together they bring out confidence and warrior energies. The Sun in Aries kindles your heart with passion and enthusiasm. The Sun is mostly in Aries from March 21rst to April 19th.
Three of Wands and Kabbalah
In kabbalah, all 4 threes belong to the Sefirot of Binah (Understanding). This is the Sefirot from which life emerges. This Sefirot is also the completion of the Supernal Triangle. This is a female Sefirat and it stands at the top of the Pillar of Severity in the tree of life. The Three of Wands belongs to the Binah in Atziluth.
Three of Wands as a Person
Three of Wands people are those who are full of energy, vigor, and confidence. These people have followed their passion and have achieved a good position. They have established themselves but they still have the fiery energies within them. They keep an eye on their goals and also in the future. These people are adaptable and can travel to places for work. These people are dynamic, energetic, and quick-witted.
Three of Wands Card in General Reading
The three of wands card is very similar to the two of wands. This is actually a step ahead of the position that was established in the ‘two of wands’. If this card appears in a general reading it means that your position in business, education, or life is established and you are receiving the reward of your hard work. You are proud of your achievements but you are also ready to move forward. This is a positive card of success, support from others, and also growth. This card also indicates work-related traveling.
Three of Wands Tarot Card in a Daily reading
Today is a day to enjoy the rewards of your hard work. You should focus on the goals for the future but also enjoy the position that you have established. This card also tells you to go out and enjoy some time by the river or water.
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