Seven of Wands Tarot Card Meaning Keywords

UPRIGHT: Defense, protection, taking stand for belifes

REVERSED: Defeat, giving up, tiredness, overthrow

  • Element: Fire
  • Kabbalistic Sefirot: Netzach
  • Meaning of the Kabbalistic Sefirot: Victory
  • Astrological Influence: Mars in Leo
  • Yes/No key interpretations: Yes
  • Stones: Emerald

Seven of wands is card number seven in the suit of wands. Seven is the number of security, happiness, and renewal. 7 is a very important number religiously and spiritually. The suit of wands is about passion, dynamism, and vitality.

Seven of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Imagery of the Seven of Wands Tarot Card

A man is standing on the top of the hill with a staff in his hands that he is holding in a defensive way to protect himself from the six wands that are attacking him from below the hill. All the wands are at various heights and at various angles. The wands that are attacking him show the various challenges that he is facing. He is wearing an olive green shirt. Olive green is the color of harmony as well as diplomacy. He is wearing brown leggings that show his simplicity and steadfastness. He is wearing two different types of shoes. Now, these signify various things. These can represent not having a stable footing or confusion; these may also show multitasking and having a different viewpoint. Standing at the top of the hill shows that he holds a higher place than his challenges. He also keeps a better view of the situation. He is on high moral grounds. He is standing up for his beliefs and defending his territory. He has a staff in his hands so he is prepared for the war. He is not in an attacking position but he is in a better place to defend himself against any intruders. The blue sky represents clarity, daylight, and the wisdom to understand his challenges.

Astrology and the Seven of Wands

Astrologically the Seven of Wands belongs to the third decan of Leo in the wheel of the year. The third decan starts on 11th August and ends on 22nd August. This is when Mars, the planet of war, self-assertion, aggression, and energy enters Leo. The golden dawn designers called this card, Mars in Leo the Lord of Valor.

Seven of Wands and Kabbalah

In Kabbalah, the Seven of Wands belongs to the Sefirot of Netzach in Atziluth, the world of pure spirit. Netzach means Victory and it is ruled by Venus. This sefirah is on the pillar of Mercy.

Seven of Wands Tarot Card as a Person

This card represents someone who even though has unstable grounds but they also know different angles of life. They can fit into different shoes and know different situations. They hold their beliefs and stand on their point. They can take on any challenges and they are ready to protect and defend what they believe is right. They have determination, experience, and steadfastness.

Seven of Wands Card in General Reading

If the Seven of Wands card appears in a general reading it shows that you are facing various types of troubles and challenges. You might have to face a situation where you have to defend your beliefs and ideology but you have resources to defend yourself against these challenges. Even if these challenges have caught you off-guard, you are equipped to face these. You can save your personal boundaries against the opinion and intrusion of others. You hold high moral ground and have a better view and perspective of the situation and these challenges so stay determined and face the tests no matter how difficult and diverse they may seem.

Seven of Wands Tarot Card in a Daily reading

If you get this card in a daily reading, the day is going to be tough. You may face some threats and opposition regarding your point of view but stay strong. You are ready to take a stand for yourself and you are fully capable of protecting your views. Do not attack others if that doesn’t seem necessary but also do not let them intrude on your territory. It is a day to set up healthy boundaries with others and to protect yourself.  

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