Hello and welcome to tarotoak.com.

I know that tarotoak.com is a bit weird name but I have chosen this name because it is small, easy to remember and a tarot deck holds so many mysteries and secrets like any wise old tree.

I am planning to fill up this website with my tarot related experience. Useful material to help you with your tarot journey and most importantly, lots and lots of free tarot related printables.

I just love making graphics and printables so I am planning to make tarot spreads, oracle decks, planners, stickers and many more useful items that you can use for your tarot journey.

I am also sharing tarot cards meanings, interpretations, and keywords that I have learned by reading different books and through various sources plus my own experience.

All the graphics on this website are made by me and The Rider-Waite images used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902.  c.1971 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.

~ MN