Knight of Wands Tarot Card Meaning Keywords
UPRIGHT: Passion, Inspired Action, Bravery
REVERSED: Recklessness, Frustration
- Element: Fire
- Kabbalistic Sefirot: Tiphareth
- Meaning of the Kabbalistic Sefirot: Beauty, Harmony
- Astrological Influence: Leo, Cancer
- Yes/No key interpretations: Yes
- Stones: Topaz, Yellow Diamond
- Knight of Wands: Air of Fire
In medieval times, knights were fearful warriors who rode on horseback. A knight generally belonged to an aristocratic wealthy family who could afford horse, armor, weapons, and training since childhood. Besides knowing the tricks of war, the knights were good at reciting poetry and songs. They were true charmers.

The Imagery and Symbolism of the Knight of Wands Tarot Card
An armored warrior is riding a brown horse and there are barren land and mountains in the background. He is holding a staff (wand) in one of his hands and reigns of the horse in the other. The wand depicts his passion and the green leaves at the top of the wand symbolize hope and growth. The armor that he is wearing shows that he is protected. There are red feathers on his helmet that look like burning flames. These feathers or flames show his passion, desires, and burning fiery energies. The brown horse symbolizes stamina, strength, and vitality along with stability and reliability. He has full control of the situation and this is suggested by the reigns in his hands. He is wearing a yellow shirt with a symbol of salamanders on it. Yellow is the color of joy and salamanders show endurance and they also symbolize transformation, passion and they can take over adversity. Legends say that Salamanders even withstand flames and can also extinguish them. There is a barren land and three mounds in the background just like we have seen on the page of the wands card. The barren land signifies that nurturing can change the barrenness and mounds denote the obstacles and goals. Three is the number of creativity.
Astrology and the Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands rules the first and second decans of Leo, the fixed fire sign, and the third decan of cancer. The knight of wands under the influence of the sign of Leo holds the qualities of generosity, warm-heartedness, creativity, enthusiasm, ambition, dynamism, confidence, and loyalty. He has true fiery energies.
Knight of Wands and Kabbalah
In Kabbalah, all the knights and all the sixes belong to the Sefirot of Tiphareth that means beauty or harmony. This Sefirot is the center of the tree of life and is ruled by the sun. The powers and energies of all the other Sefirot flow into it and take a balanced form.
Knight of Wands as a Person
The Knight of Wands as a person is someone who is restless, fiery, passionate, charming, and freedom-loving. It can denote a charming and seductive person who is really sexy. These people are ready to take on any challenge and ready to make transformations and changes in their lives. These are passionate people who have vigor, strength, passion, vitality, and stamina. They have happy and joyful dispositions and high confidence. They seek growth in their lives. They have control of the situation and they act fast.
Knight of Wands Card in General Reading
If this card appears in a general reading, it can signify a situation or a person. As a situation, this card depicts change, traveling, and some action towards one’s passion and goals. This is generally a positive card and it shows movement towards one’s goals and desires, action towards growth, and a positive and rapid transition. As a person, this card may represent the querent or someone else in a querent’s life. For women, it can indicate the entrance of a passionate and charming male. It can depict having control of a rapidly changing situation as well or a person who takes charge of something and make it happen. This card also symbolizes hot-tempered people.
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