The Magician Tarot Card Meaning
UPRIGHT: Skill, will-power, manifestation, The art of communication
REVERSED: Trickery, deception, craftiness, manipulation
- Name of the Card: The Magician
- Number: 1
- Other Names: The Magus, The Juggler, Le Bateleur,Il Bagatto or Il Bagatello
- Element: Air
- Kabbalistic Letter: Beth
- Meaning of the Kabbalistic Letter: House
- Planet: Mercury
- Yes/No key interpretations: Yes
- Animals: Swallow, Ibis, Ape
- Stone: Opal, Agate
The Magician is numbered 1 in Major Arcana cards. One is the number of new starts and new beginnings.
The magician uses all the methods and all the tools to reach his goals. The temptation to misuse the talents is great and that reaches its highest level when the card is in a reversed position.
All of us are a magician within ourselves and all of us can create our own reality. We just have to use our tools in the right manner to manifest the ideas.
The Imagery and Symbolism of the Magician Tarot Card
The meaning of ‘Le Bateleur’ is the bearer of the wand. The magician has a wand in his hand that is pointing upwards, which can mean that he cannot fulfill his tasks without constantly remaining in touch with the universe. The yellow color of the card shows warmth and joy. The infinity sign above his head shows unlimited potential. The red roses show his emotions and passion and white lilies show the truth of purpose. His red close shows his energy and vitality and the white shows the spirituality within a person.
He has all the elements from the four suits of minor arcana on his table. The coin represents possession, resources, physicality, and finances, the wand represents the will, passion, inspiration, and that spark, the sword represents intellect and logic and the cup represents emotions, relationships, and sexuality.
Astrology and the Magician
Mercury rules the magician card in tarot. Mercury is the planet of the mind, communication, writing, reason, intellect, and rationality. Mercury is comparable to the Greek god Herme. He was the god of speed, communication, salesmen, tricksters, and thieves.
The Magician and Kabbalah
In Kabbalah Magician’s path is called ‘Beth’. This is the path that connects Kether ‘the crown’ with Binah ‘Understanding’. Beth means house. It is the house for the Spirit that is descending towards the world of manifestation. The magician is the first vibration that begins the process of manifestation. In easier words, he is the bridge between the spirit world and humanity.
The inner white Robe of the magician represents the Kether and the outer red represents Binah.
The Magician as a Person
To me magician is a person who is a charmer, who is communicative, who has the right tools of passion, emotion, thought and worldly resources to add up to his charms.
The Magician Card Meaning in General Reading
If you get this card in a general reading it means that you have all the right tools and resources to manifest an idea. It is time to move ahead and change your idea into reality. You need to take that initiative to start building things, start the new project, use your willpower, and take that inspired action.
The Magician Tarot Card in a Daily reading
You have amazing tools and capabilities that you can share with other people. It is important to find the best use of your tools. You should take a closer look at the creative forces within you. You are full of power and energy. Creative and academic pursuits may be offered to you today. You have more powers and options than you think. The things you do not count are maybe some strong tools that you possess. Create your own reality with your abilities.
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This was amazing. I wish I had this when I started but I’m happy we have this now. Well done. ASÈ
“In short The Magus represents the step from dependence (passivity) to self-awareness (action). All the outside forces which try to shape us into their image or make us dependent and comfortable bury the inner or true will under layers of confusion and disorientation.”
Great Quote from Ina Auderieth