Month: January 2020

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning Keywords UPRIGHT: Good luck, destiny, good fortune, cycles REVERSED: Bad luck, misfortune, delays Name of the Card: Wheel of Fortune Number: 10 Other Names: La.Roue.De.Fortune Element: Fire Kabbalistic Letter: Kaph Meaning of the Kabbalistic Letter: Palm Planet: Jupiter Yes/No key interpretations: Yes Animal: Eagle Stone: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli Wheel […]

The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning

The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning

The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning Keywords UPRIGHT: Solitude, guidance, soul-searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance, wisdom REVERSED: Anti-social, restrictive, isolation, loneliness, withdrawal Name of the Card: The Hermit Number: 9 Other Names: L’hermite Element: Earth Kabbalistic Letter: Yod Meaning of the Kabbalistic Letter: Hand Sign: Virgo Yes/No key interpretations: Maybe Stone: Peridot The Imagery and […]

Strength Tarot Card Meanings, Keywords, Symbolism, Love, and Career

Strength Tarot Card Meanings, Keywords, Symbolism, Love, and Career

Strength Tarot Card Meaning Keywords UPRIGHT: Control. Strength, influence, compassion, energy, endurance, success, Overcoming an obstacle REVERSED:  Weakness, vulnerability, self-doubt, lack of confidence, abuse of strength, Giving up to temptations Name of the Card: Strength Number: 8 Other Names: Fortitude Element: Fire Kabbalistic Letter: Teth Meaning of the Kabbalistic Letter: Serpent Sign: Leo Yes/No key […]

The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning

The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning

The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning Keywords UPRIGHT: Control, willpower, success, action, determination, two forces pulling in the opposite direction REVERSED: Opposition, lack of direction, instability, unwise journey Name of the Card: The Chariot Number: 7 Other Names: Centurion, Victory, Le Chariot Element: Water Kabbalistic Letter: Cheth Meaning of the Kabbalistic Letter: Fence Sign: Cancer Yes/No […]

The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning

The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning

The Lovers Tarot Card Meanings Keywords UPRIGHT: Relationship, love, harmony, values, soul mates, partners, strong bond, made for each other REVERSED: Conflict, imbalance, trust issues, detachment, disharmony, strife, lack of respect, lust, indecision Name of the Card: The Lovers Number: 6 Other Names: L’Amoureux Element: Air Kabbalistic Letter: Zain Meaning of the Kabbalistic Letter: Sword […]

The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning

The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning

The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning Keywords UPRIGHT: Religious beliefs, conformity, marriage, knowledge sharing, blind faith REVERSED: Unconventional lifestyle, free thinker, rebel Name of the Card: The Hierophant Number: 5 Other Names: The High Priest, The Pope, Spiritual Father Element: Earth Kabbalistic Letter: Vau Meaning of the Kabbalistic Letter: Nail Sign: Taurus Yes/No key interpretations: Ask […]

The Emperor Tarot Card Meaning

The Emperor Tarot Card Meaning

The Emperor Tarot Card Meaning UPRIGHT: Authority, establishment, a dominating male, masculine, wise, father, practical, controlling, male from a patriarchal society, experienced and powerful REVERSED: Excessively controlling, abuse of power, domination, lack of discipline, inflexibility, an abusive male from a patriarchal society, selfish, quick-tempered, daredevil Name of the Card: The Emperor Number: 4 Other Names: […]

The Empress Tarot Card Meaning

The Empress Tarot Card Meaning

The Empress Tarot Card Meaning UPRIGHT: Beauty, femininity, love, nurturing, abundance, pregnancy, creativity  REVERSED: Creative block, dependence on others, insecurity, infertility, disharmony Name of the Card: The Empress Number: 3 Other Names: The Queen Element: Earth Kabbalistic Letter: Daleth Meaning of the Kabbalistic Letter: Door Planet:  Venus Yes/No key interpretations: Yes Animals: Sparrow, Dove, Sow […]

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning UPRIGHT: Intuition, sacred knowledge, feminine energy, the subconscious mind, secrets, wisdom REVERSED: Secrets, disconnected from intuition, withdrawal, and silence, repression, hidden agendas, blocked psychic powers, lack of self-trust Name of the Card: The High Priestess Number: 2 Other Names: LaPapesse, the Popess Element: Water Kabbalistic Letter: Gimel Meaning of the […]

The Magician Tarot Card Meaning

The Magician Tarot Card Meaning

The Magician Tarot Card Meaning UPRIGHT: Skill, will-power, manifestation, The art of communication REVERSED: Trickery, deception, craftiness, manipulation Name of the Card: The Magician Number: 1 Other Names: The Magus, The Juggler, Le Bateleur,Il Bagatto or Il Bagatello Element: Air Kabbalistic Letter: Beth Meaning of the Kabbalistic Letter: House Planet: Mercury Yes/No key interpretations: Yes Animals: Swallow, […]

The Fool Tarot Card Meaning

The Fool Tarot Card Meaning

The Fool Tarot Card Meaning UPRIGHT: Innocence, freedom, spontaneity, a free spirit, new beginning, desire to start REVERSED: Stupidity, negligence, holding back, recklessness, risk-taking, being naive Name of the Card: The Fool Number: 0 Other Names: Le Mat, Il Matto, The Jester Element: Air Kabbalistic Letter: Aleph Meaning of the Kabbalistic Letter: Ox Planetary Correspondence: […]

Free Printable Tarot Journal Pages

Free Printable Tarot Journal Pages

Today I have created these adorable Free Printable Tarot Journal Pages that you can print at your home by using any color printer. I have made one cover page that is decorated with beautiful graphics made by me. There is one daily draw page, three stationery pages, and one page with to-do lists. You can […]