The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning in a Daily reading
Today is a day to explore the depths of your intuition. Get connected to the depths of your unconscious mind and listen to the signs it is sending you. Guard your secrets and do not explain yourself, your motives, or your intentions to anyone. It is a good day for any spiritual pursuit or to work on any creative ideas. You can also meditate today.
The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning in a Love Reading
In a love reading, The High Priestess can represent that the relationship is touching you on a deeper level. You need to listen to your intuition and inner voice than what the logic is leading you towards. It may also indicate a very sensual relationship that touches the chords of your soul.
The High Priestess Tarot Card in a Career Reading
In a career reading, this card may represent that the situation is hiding but things will go in your favor when the situation will be revealed. You also need to keep your ideas hidden and not share your creative work ideas or intentions with others.
The High Priestess Tarot Card in a Health Reading
In a health reading this card may represent that even though all seems well at the moment, you need to carefully examine your symptoms and watch out for the signs that your body is sending out to you. It is a card of feminine energy so it represents perfect hormonal balance and also pregnancy.
The High Priestess Reversed Tarot Card Meaning
When you reverse The High Priestess card the Torah will fell off from her hands and the black pillar gets more dominating.
In the reversed position, the High Priestess Tarot Card may indicate that you have a disconnection with your intuition and you need to trust your instincts more. It shows confused psychic energy. It can indicate delayed information or bad news. It can represent a superstitious person who doesn’t know what message the universe is trying to give him or her.
It can also mean that you have lost that fine balance that you need to maintain, in order to keep things aligned.
In a love reading, it may represent a withdrawal and silence among partners that need to be addressed.
In a health reading, a reversed High Priestess card can be indicative of hormonal imbalance, infertility, and menstrual issues in females. Among males, it can show that you are not listening to the needs of your body carefully and you need to pay more attention to it.
In a career reading the reversed high priestess card can represent the hidden agendas of someone around you at your workplace. It also represents your lack of self-confidence that you need to pay more attention to.
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